My weekends continue to get more fun. Last weekend, I played paintball on Saturday for most of the day, while it was dumping snow. We had about 15 guys, so it turned out to be some great games. No big welts for me, but I got plenty of shots that did not feel so good. Then on Saturday night, a few of us got dressed up, and went down to Denver for a play. Of course, Sunday is reserved for NFL football and nothing else (besides church). The Bears Rex Grossman....makes me want to vomit. I have to make sure to watch him on an empty stomach, because every time he drops back to pass, my stomach drops, and my heart decends into where my stomach once was.
me, callie, brent, and jen taking the light rail on our way downtown to the Martini Ranch
A Martini Ranch...
Huh...Mr Hep - is that good for your liver??!
that picture was from over a month ago.
we went to the Martini Ranch to dance, not drink.
since when did people take the name of a place and ASSUME i went drinking?
come on now people, let's think a little
Well, what else would a MARTINI ranch imply...
I believe Aaronson said it best in the post before this..."kudos to other activities!"
Futhermore, SINCE WHEN did you start dancing...YOU would have to have a couple in you to dance anyways!!
Will the next post inform us of your new found career goals...K-Fed?
how would aronson know anything? he freakin lives in Darfur, Africa.
and i don't need ANYTHING in me to dance, i'm a PE major, and movement is just what i do....
by the way, to all my readers who think she is right, here's my word: i have been dry for quite a while now...regardless of what the sister, or aronson, says....
I belive you watson.some people back here in la paz don't
If you've "been dry for quite a while" does that mean you were wet before?
conversation over, this is ridiculous.
oh, johnny boy...or K-Fed...what identity are you going by these days?!
no one is going to believe the dry bit...aaronson EVEN knows you well enough to speak truth from africa.
PS - I've dusted off the remote control for xmas, and FYI...I'll let you win the remote argument!
i always win that anyways, remember?
by using the "i'm bigger than you force"
you are not that much bigger...something about looking like a holocaust survivor?! Keep it up w/the martini ranch stuff, and you'll loose anything you have on me, heppie...
if i'm heppie, than surely i'm happy.
oh man, come back with somethin' now!
I support jon being Happy, even if his liver is a litle under the weather...he's a fighter! Now I have seen Jon dance and K-fed he is thinking more Dan Akroyd in the Blues Brothers. I will keep the rest of comments about this blog to myself for the time being!
How could you live in Colorado (the state with the largest amount of micro-breweries) and not be completely wet. I mean, I would be so wet, I would be soaking.
Juanny -
Your little brother and your big sister are both in ain't tellin' us the whole truth!!
For those who don't know jon well -the comments are in the double #'s, and he gets excited when that happens...Which probably means a celebratory beer!!
ps - still need your flight info and the promised email. Good to talk to you last night, glad you are doing you muchly!
Jonathan........I would delete all these comments.
annonymous, i would delete you if i knew who you were
i think that was mom, who else calls me by Jonathan?
Nickie just emailed me...a CNN news clip of the "winter weather" hitting Denver.
We love you!! We hope you are safe and sound - which means, not driving the skeeter in this weather - and it does mean, staying inside, playing w/the hand biting dog and dancing the night away!!! (with, of course, Bailey's Irish Coffee, MOM!!)
Love your, sisters...
Christie and Nickie
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