Thursday, November 12, 2009


Students are always asking me bizarre questions. They think I'm a bit strange, so they expect an answer that will entertain them or at the least give them a good laugh. I could explain to them the idea of peaceful resolutions, and a roar of laughter would erupt. In fact I have, and it did. So when I was asked the day before Veterans day if I would celebrate those that chose to protect our country, I had a difficult response in front of me. My dad is a veteran. My grandpa was a veteran. My great grandpa was a veteran. My response took a minute or more, but it ended up being something along the lines of, "I will celebrate those people, yes, but possibly not the actions they performed or the country they served. That I will forever lament"

You see, I won't pledge my allegiance to this country, or any other country for that matter. I joined a Kingdom much larger, and that is the only place/people to whom I give my following. There would be no conceivable way to give my allegiance to two authorities, because those two authorities are bound to contradict. And when they do, I have two separate places I have pledged to serve, and ultimately I have to choose just one of them.

Too many people are trying their hardest to unify their patriotism and faith (their country with the Kingdom of God). An American flag inside a church ring a bell for anyone? The sweet part of God's Kingdom is that it runs through nationalities and across borders. I can have my allegiance to this Kingdom anywhere I travel, to any nationality and in any tongue. I won't have to wonder if the Leader is making the right or wrong decision in regards to His people. It allows me to truly serve and really PLEDGE MY ALLEGIANCE to a People.

In this Kingdom peace is the true action of courage. This Leader has told us that war and retaliation will cause more war and retaliation. This Leader has told us that we have no need to fear an attack on our people, because our people are protected by His blood. This Leader has told us that those who die in His name will create more people who die in his name. This Leader has told us that the courageous action is not what it appears. If our people, in this Kingdom, are killed we have the assurance that has allowed us to live without defenses and retaliations. To live with the Freedom that we can die, at anytime, and spend an eternity with the same Kingdom to whom we gave our allegiance.

So will I pick up Weapons, and possibly kill anyone that could someday belong to the greatest, most invisible Kingdom on earth? No, I will act in courage, going peacefully proclaiming a different way with the assurance of my Leader that if I die, I live. The cowardice that nations instinctively follow will not overwhelm me. Not in this Kingdom.