Sunday, January 15, 2006

Yellow Eyes, Yellow Skin means what.....

well the word that comes to mind is Jaundice. You know, the pictures you always see in health books and science books, maybe occasionally in a National Geographic or a world news picture of sick people dying.

I am those pictures. I came down with something pretty ugly on Tuesday afternoon (I couldn't stand up straight, and my stomach was in excruciating pain), and ended up missing the rest of the week of School. After seeing 2 doctors and having 4 blood tests, 2 ultrasounds, 3 urine tests, a variety of people poking at my stomach, and seeing the white of my eyes turn yellow, it was decided that I needed an operation. Not the kind of operation where they cut you open, but the kind of operation where they stick a scope down your stomach, and then down your intestines until they find the main tube that feeds bile into your stomach from the pancreas, gall bladder, and liver. They then make a small incision to release a Gall Stone, and once again allow the flow of bile into the intestines, thus fixing the problem.

I personally didn't like this option, so on Friday I went to a 3 doctor for more tests. Actually our financial director at the school MADE me go. I was put in the hospital (if that's what you want to call it), and after a day was told that I had a very serious and advanced case of Hepatitus A. There was, and still is, very serious suspicion as to if this is the problem. Hep A does occasionally cause some abdominal pain, but with this case this is all I've had. They haven't completely ruled out Apendicitis, although I highly doubt this being the nature of how long I've had the pain. Tomorrow morning I will return for more tests.

Anyways, I am currently out of commission for a while, so maybe I can post more often. I still can't stand for more than a few minutes, my stomach is still in a lot of pain (although not as severe), and my eyes and skin are the yellowest they've been (which kind of freaks me out), but I think I'm on the road to recovery.

Stay in prayer over these next few days....


Anonymous said...

Jon, I'll be praying for you, hope they find out what is wrong. is there any way you can take a picture of yourself being yellow?


Mom/Barb said...

Son...I'm glad I was able to talk to you several times over the weekend keeping me up to date on this. Because of your reports I'm VERY surprised to see you posting here. They actually released you. grrr. I have asked my SS class to pray for you. We Love you! xo

Anonymous said...

WOW...I want a picture. Do your eyes kinda "glow in the dark"? If they're yellow??
We love you, we're praying for you...Get better soon!!!

Anonymous said...

Jon, Nawal and I read your last posting. We are concerned about you, we will be praying for you and hope to hear that you are recovered very soon.

Magdi Ghali

Anonymous said...

Hey Jon! Sorry to hear about your health. I hope you feel better soon. You will be in my prayers and I will pass the word to my sisters so they can pray too. Take care!

Anonymous said...

Christie, this is not the time to joke about yellow eyes!

Jon, can you see at night time like cats - they have yellow eyes, too.

But seriously, cats can see at night, can't they. Or do they make echo sounds like bats?

concerned but unable to express it,
Scot and Drewman

Jon Watson said...

okay okay, when i get the time i will post a picture of my yellow eyes. it's more freaky than cool.

Anonymous said...

Scot ...if he can see at night - night vision - and he can make bat sounds - bat talk...maybe we can actually put Jon to work! Navy SEALS, or Marine RAIDERS or Army FRONTIERS - are a few that jump to mind.

Jon - you seem to like torture - are you up for a new career path?

AND TO EVERYONE ELSE - i have no clue what the elite forces are to Marines, or Amy people...but i'm sure i'll be enlightened. :-)

Anonymous said...

Chistie...the Special Forces are a terrible idea, obvisouly with Jon's special gifts there are only two valid option...Super Hero or Nija!!!

Of course if we wanted Jon to be able to make money with either of these ventures he would have to to be and evil super hero or nija.

Jon, how do you feel about being evil?

Concerned, yet seceretly jealous of your new found powers.

Scott and Drewman

Mom/Barb said...

I just HAVE to get in on the fun!
Under Jonathan's "friend's" , click on
Piano Teachin Mom!!
I am glad your appetite is back, Jonathan, and when you come home I'll cook a bunch of RIBS for you and yours!! LuV, MoxM

Anonymous said...

Scott...something about spandex and a cape - it just doesn't work for me!

So, no superhero's.

He could wear the robber mask (the knit, 3 holed thingi) but it would have to be the eyes glow. And he can just run around scaring the elderly and stealing little children's school bags. Oh, wait...he'd still be a superhero for the little ones...

Jon - do you have a preference? Or are you already making money off "the gringo who glows?"

Anonymous said...

I don't know Christie, we've all seen Jon in those track uniforms and based on those I think he could pull off spandex just fine.

Scott and Drewman

Anonymous said...

Nightmare, nightmare, nightmare.
We're supposed to move beyond High School...